January 11, 2012

Detatch, let go and let it flow...

This past Christmas, I did something different. Usually one to soak up the holidays for weeks, two days after Christmas, I decided to take down the trees, package the decorations and store everything away in the garage. I did feel a bit Grinch-like when my little one (LO) woke up early from her nap and came running around the corner wide-eyed to see the lights sparkling on the trees, and there stood mommy, on a ladder, stripping the big tree of it’s very last ornament. When my little Cindy Lou Who came up to me, reached down and picked up a lone ribbon that had fallen on the ground, I felt my heart sink to the lowest of the lows. Immediately I found myself floundering on ways to explain to her that mommy was not a bad guy, or that Santa would return next year, or that I’d put it all back up if she wanted me to. But, as quickly as she came running up to me, is how quickly she turned away and marched right over to her new toys and began to play. Not affected, not attached, not upset. And, once again my LO taught me a lesson.

It did feel good to put 2011 behind me. I always look forward to a new year, but I decided this year (thanks to LO), I was not going to attach myself to resolutions, per se. I am a list girl, don’t get me wrong, but it seemed like my ideas for 2012 were just too large to put on paper. And, I didn’t want to talk about my goals, or look at them anymore. I just wanted to do them. Funny enough, this blog community was not even on my radar. Two friends met for lunch in late December and very, extremely organically, Any Day Extraordinary hatched, and it was though that any day extraordinary moment, we decided upon our name. It is also through that any day extraordinary moment I realized I was on the right track in terms of letting go, detaching myself from expectation and allowing things to naturally flow within my world.

Our blog is not designed to give the impression we are experts on extraordinary living. Quite the opposite, in fact. It is designed to remind us, and you, our readers, that we are all doing extraordinary things with our lives, EVERY day. It is here to serve as a community for you to share your extraordinary, get inspired by others and to celebrate what you have achieved along the way, big and small.

In addition to sharing my any day extraordinary, I will also share my SAHM stories and probably even dip into my extreme hobby obsessions as well. For now think about what you are most excited about in the coming year. What changes do you want to make in YOUR world? What any day extraordinary days are you going to have? If you believe you can change your world, you will.


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