I volunteer a lot. A friend gave me a notepad that reads "Stop me before I volunteer again". Only a person who volunteers too much gets 300 pages that have the same message: stop. volunteering. so. much. This year I am ready to listen to that message. My usual answer to "Can you help us with XYZ?" is yes. If I know how to do it, or I think I can figure it out, then why would I say no? This is why: I am so much more valuable when I don't spread myself too thin. I am so much happier volunteering when I am not stressing about how I am going to get it all done. I am a better wife, friend, business owner, and volunteer when I can don't offer myself for everything. So now before I cut someone off and say "yes" before I even know what I just said yes to, I ask myself "Can I realistically do this?" "Do I have the time?" and "Is it something that someone else can do?" I have a background in event planning but I'm not as connected as someone who currently works in events, or, wouldn't it be a better situation for a person who wants to volunteer as an event person to get job experience? I'll pass on that one.
This day's extraordinary is about being a better giver by being selective, by (slowly) learning the art of saying "no", and being okay with that. Helping rescues warms my heart and most orgs need photographs. I can do that. My skill set is unique and needed. I offered to do some design work for another organization because I love graphic design and I could use more pieces in my portfolio. Something, just one thing is an act of love: a rescue finds a home, a survivor of sexual assault gets counseling - love made visible without losing yourself in the process.
Do good things (not everything),
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